Tuesday, January 29, 2013

“There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature.” 
― Jane AustenNorthanger Abbey

*sume gmbr ni d ambl msa time new year. lma jgkla xjmpa rmai2 gtu. tegar ba smpai pgi jln. blh ktakn 2 arila jgk. eeh. besh moment. nver forget. love them ntah bla g blh jln rmai2 cm gtu, ni masi ckit. blum g klow sume aggta kuar. eheh. hope our friendship nver last ,amin3x. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

ada had nya.

*suasana y dingin, tp aq kpnasan, ahah! lain~
sabar dgn gya ko. hebat ! hebat! hebat!
sometimes aq rsa dri aq ni bodo sbb xdpt prthankn dri aq sndri. bgi bear jak urg wat ska ati. mka, dri sbnar x bgtu. aq ni jnis y mbrontak jgk. tp  when it comes situation gtu. aq lbh dpt kwal dri aq. sbb masi fkir reltionship y ada. xmok rosak , gra2 sikap aq y gtu. masi la da consideration kiranya. tp ko, makin aq sabr, mkin jg gya ko mkin kiut. nice! trukn la usha mu bgtu, mmg mju ko tu. aq la y tggl d blkg. trma kasi. than ati tuk bbrpa bulan jg, dmi dri sndri. hoho! ( mcm pngkn dri pla, bkn bgtu~~) bla mok brubah ar? xpala. bgi can sma ko laa. xlma jg ko cni kan. urg igt ko dgn jsa baek ko jgk ba. tq! aq la y palingg~
sume urg da btasnya, aq pun sma. jgn smpai aq pn smapi btas sdh. bkn ko sja ar.
thats ol. k, bye!

*sensitif ckit, soe if da trsa.

Monday, December 3, 2012


same feeling:
owez smile,
owez know,
owez thankful.

*evrything happen for a reason. useless being regret, just move on and hope it will change, even a bit.
(bljr menguatkan smgt sndri) ehe

Thursday, September 20, 2012

"tggi rendh langit"


hello, hye~ lma x updte. phm2la student life kn. eheh. bz dgn itu ini la knuk. sgla assgnmnt, quiz test n presnttion lgik. huh! sgtt2 memenatkn, smpai mok tdur pn, xpena slsa n lena sbb tpkir kn itu ini blum siap. sume mok wat kje lst minit. (salah sndri jgk, bru tow!) ehehe. msa2 skrg ni, byk y x ckup, bkn jak tdur, mkn pn xtntu sdh, kjp xda slra, kjp tlbh slera pla. mok p mkn tu la mkn ni la. klh2 ppuan mgidam pn ada. eheh.
btw, ari ni mok cite sal tggi lgit nya bumi. means here, bla urg tu sdh brda d atas, sume mok d tembirangkn. well, dy ada kn, mentg2 aq xda. mmg la jeles! spa x. tpula klow x tgk kjyaan sseorg tp bla d bwh rsa mcm mok bnuh dri pun ada. mok lari lju2 then hantk kpla d dinding, mkn rcun tikus. bear x rsa sume kperitan keggaln. jgn d tnya pena ka rsa x, sdgn ykinnya aq jawab . sgtla sllu! hurm. hnya mmpu tsnyum. mmg xlri dri sume tu, sume manusia. tp itu xla truk sgt. cuma y mnerukkn tu (hehe) adalh org sklling, apalagik urg tu tgolong dlm urg y tgh brda d ats.sgt rsa thina. bkn mmbgi smgt, mlemahkn adala. kn sptutnya bgila sdkit kta smgt, bear x down abis2. tp ni x. mcm aq ckp tdila, mok bnuh dri time tu jgk pn ada. mok mngis, xsggup. tllu sedi n kcewa smpai air mta pun segan mok keluar. spt rsa mlunya bla d plkukn spt itu. hidup2x. 
hidup ssh, matik? lagiklaa ssh. mnusia xpena puas, sifat tu akn sntsa ada. aq akui pn rsa bgtu, tp agk2la jgk kn. tgk keadaan n msa. jgala ati urg lain jgk, aggp jak ko tgh bdri d atas kki urg tu, bygkn pa y ko akn rsa. sgtt skit! sgt kcewa! bkn tdk brsha mok mdptkn bgtu, ntah pa y kurg. xckup usha kli? hmpir tiap mlm struggle, xckup tdur smpi tmbuh jerwt y xtntu, ttp jg masi sma. doa? jgn d tnya. mmgla akn da y ckp, jgn ptus asa, truskn usaha. prsoalnnya, smpai bla? hnay mmp u bsabar n iklas kn ssuatu hal tu. mmg xda bnda lain y mmpu d wat. telan jakla pa y urg luar tu ckp. msuk tlga knn, kuar tlga kiri. hantam ko laa~ ada aq kesah? ehehe. 
so, ksimpulannya, bearla ko jlni idupmu ni dgn ati y sgtt2 sbar. jgn brhenti ttpi truskn. inshAllah dan yakin sume tu akn ko dpat. cma lmbt dan cpt shja. lain2 urg lain rzki. xsume y kta mntk akn dpt. jd, live must go on. u can do it girl! eheeh
inshaAllah :)

Thursday, August 30, 2012



selamat ari rya maaf zhir , tp batin x. eheh. igt mok ucp rya n update sal ari rya thun ni pnjg2, tp mood mok post entry y lain pla ari ni. lgpn, gmbr rya kmi y cntik2 blum dpat g dri kwan. almklumlaa, bgmbr gna hp kwn jak. sbb hp kta sgtlaa moden. hohho! so, bla sdh dpt, brula updte entry sal rya thun ni. eheh

uke2, kmbli kpd cite y asal, sbnrnya ari ni mok cite diri aq. actually, sifat aq y sgtt mudah ptus asa n geram, n skit ati thdap ssuatu. oh sad~
btul ni, tsgtla mudah aq ptus asa thdap ssuatu hal, pa g klow aq da skit ati dgn ssuatu tu, aq tggl jak kje tu n pegi tdur. knuk2 mok lpakn laa ,kes2 malas mok pkir, mlas mok serabutkn otak sndri. smpai sggup tdur bejam2 sbb mok lpakn.mgkn sbb itu jgklaa aq jdi urg y sgt kuat tdur. hoho! jgn mrahh aa~ bkn brusaha pun mok slsai kn. der! apa mcm pnya prgai oo. eheh. sdh brsaha mok ubh prgai, mok slssaikn msalh tu time tu jgk. tp sdh gya bgtu. (mindset nun, ubah!) ehehe.

so, ksimpulannya d cni. aq akn cba ubah prgai aq tu, byk jgklaa aq bca quotes2 y bgi smgt ni. (tem bca jak smgt, pas bca. lpa sdh).inshaAllah dgn doa y byk. eheh.ar,  plpa pun satu msalh g. aishh~  (bla knuk mok abis cite ni, blg ksimpulan sdh.? hoho), urm, kdg2 urg skliling pndae bachat dgn aq . makku sndri pun, sbb mok igtkn blik pa y aq lpa tu. eheh. soe bangett~ xsgja baa.

uke, btul2 ksimpulan sdh. lasy word. selamt ari rya. eheeh. maaf klow pena wat slah, tkasar bhsa, tpkul d mn2, ehehe.

until then, salam. have a nice day all. ehehe. :)

Monday, August 6, 2012

just be strong!!

*just be strong, Allah will always be with us. just pray and believe

"bersahur" with UiTM Sabah rektor


once again i come back with new entry. today i want to shared about our activity where we "bersahur" with our university's rector.
this actually happen on 5th of august. we really excited when we heard about this activity that included our own rektor want to having his 'sahur' with his students. and, for your information, some of our friend did not sleep afraid that he/she will overslept and missed the moment. eheh. how funny~
this activities not only included us but also all the small organization in UiTM and also the staffs.
below are some of the pictures that have been taken.

while waiting rektor to come. eehh.

look t their eyes. eheh.every one is very happy, even though its 2-3 in the morning. heh

no one want to missed when photo was taking. ahaha

have a memories with all the staffs and commander

rektor is having his meal  first. selamat besahur. eehe

very concentrate when rektor are giving his speech, but some are in sleep mode. eheh

this event actually are specialized for students who lives outside, but we also come to make the event more people and happening. eheh.
so, selamat besahur and selamat berpuasa. have a nice fasting month to muslims all over the world. just be patient, raya will be coming in just a few days.